International Competition for Conceptual Design of Shenzhen Tanglang Mountain Country Park City Viewing Platform is now officially open for application. Design teams from all over the world are welcome to apply. The competition is hosted by Urban Administration and Law Enforcement Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality, organized by Shenzhen Park Service, and co-organized by Shenzhen Position Spatial Culture Development Co., Ltd.
项目背景Project Background
In the era of ecological civilization, under the background of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and towards a Pilot Demonstration Area of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, Shenzhen continues to promote the goal of building a "Shenzhen Home Facing the World". As one of the measures to implement this goal, the "Mountains-to-Sea City Trail Master Plan" has been put forward. It proposes to build an attractive ecological skeleton of "One Ridge, One Belt and Eighteen Corridors". The plan also identifies 10 sites for city viewing platforms in non-core protected areas, which can show the scenery of Shenzhen’s mountain, sea and city pattern, as well as the achievements of Special Economic Zone from multiple dimensions.
As one of the core nodes of "Mountains-to-Sea City Trail Master Plan", Tanglang Mountain Country Park City Viewing Platform has a spectacular panorama of Shenzhen Bay and the central areas. It aims to create a remarkable City Viewing Platform of Shenzhen Bay Area.
△ 场地视频 ©有方
Site Video ©Position
项目区位Project Location
Tanglang Mountain Country Park is located at the junction of Nanshan District, Longhua District and Futian District in Shenzhen. Tanglang Peak, the main peak of Tanglang Mountain, is the highest point in the central area of Shenzhen, offering a panoramic view of Shenzhen.

△ 项目区位示意图 ©有方
Project Location ©Position
Standing at the peak, districts of Futian, Luohu, Nanshan, Bao’an and Longhua are all within the sight. To the east, one can enjoy a distant view of Wutong Mountain, Jigong Mountain and other continuous mountains. To the north, there are the University Town and Xili Reservoir. To the southwest, one can see Liuxiandong Headquarters Base, Shenzhen Bay High-tech Industrial Park and Houhai Headquarters Base, with Shekou Area, Qianhai Area and Bao’an Central District in the distance. Look out to the south are Shenzhen Bay and Hong Kong.
基地全景(于大观亭平台拍摄) ©有方
Panorama of the Site (Viewing from Daguan Pavilion Platform) ©Position
竞赛工作内容Design Content
The main design content of this competition is the concept and connection design of two city viewing platforms on the main and secondary peak of Tanglang Mountain. Design teams should propose the specific design of the city viewing platforms as well as the resting and visiting spaces, including the design concept, form, structure, material, color, site design and signage system, etc.
In addition, the design content covers the improvement of the landscape design along the main road of the park from Longzhu Gate to the city viewing platforms, including the design of the main entrance, the infrastructure and landscape design of the 4.8 km main road and the both sides of it, the accessible design and the parking lot design..
Under the condition of minimal interference to the environment, the project advocates the design principles of ecology, lifestyle and creativity. Structure and form of the city viewing platforms shall be carefully considered.

△ 竞赛设计范围示意图 ©有方
Design Scope ©Position

△ 主峰及次峰现状航拍示意图 ©有方
Aerial Photo of the Two Peaks ©Position

△ 极目阁平台航拍示意图 ©有方
Aerial Photo of Jimu Pavilion Platform ©Position

△ 极目阁平台俯视示意图 ©有方
Top View of Jimu Pavilion Platform ©Position

大观亭平台航拍示意图 ©有方
Aerial Photo of Daguan Pavilion Platform ©Position

△ 大观亭平台俯视示意图 ©有方
Top View of Daguan Pavilion Platform ©Position

△ 塘朗山郊野公园现状 ©有方
Photos of Tanglang Mountain Country Park ©Position
竞赛规则Competition Rules
The competition adopts the method of "open solicitation", divided into Pre-qualification Phase, Scheme Design Phase and Final Evaluation Phase.
Pre-qualification Phase: Participants submit their applications and concept proposals. The Host/Organizer will set up Pre-qualification Review Committee legally to evaluate the concept proposals submitted by the participating teams anonymously, and select 5 shortlisted teams without ranking and 2 alternatives with ranking.
Scheme Design Phase: The 5 shortlisted teams will submit complete design schemes. The Host/Organizer will set up Scheme Review Committee legally to evaluate the design schemes anonymously, and select 2 finalists without ranking, at the same time determine 3 Excellence Award teams without ranking.
Final Evaluation Phase: The 2 finalists will give presentation on their design schemes to the host/organizer and superior departments, then the First Prize and Second Prize will be decided.

报名要求Application Requirements
1. 申请人须是国内外注册的独立法人企业或机构。
1. Applicants must be domestic or overseas legally registered companies or organizations.
2. 不设资质要求。
2. There is no qualification requirement.
3. 接受联合体参赛,联合体成员(含牵头方)数量不超过3家。联合体成员不得再单独或以其他名义与其他设计单位组成其他联合体参与报名,联合体各方需签署具有法律效力的《联合体协议》,并明确牵头方、各方工作分工等。
3. Consortium is accepted, with no more than 3 members (including the leading member). Each member of the consortium shall not further apply alone or participate by joining another consortium. Consortium members shall sign the Consortium Agreement legally and specify the leading member and work distribution.
4. 不接受个人或个人组合的报名。
4. Individual or team of individuals are not accepted.
5. 鼓励设计团队由建筑设计、景观设计、城市规划及艺术等多专业人员组成。
5. Design team composed with professionals in architectural design, landscape design, urban planning and arts is encouraged.
6. 考虑新冠疫情的影响,境外团队如在中国境内无分支机构,必须与境内团队组成联合体参加。
6. Considering the impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, overseas design firms which have no branches in China must form a consortium with domestic design firms to participate in this international competition.
竞赛奖金Competition Bonus
The total bonus for this international competition is set at RMB 4.3 million (tax-inclusive). Please refer to the following form for specific bonus settings:

After the competition Host/Organizer pays the bonus to the First Prize winner in accordance with the competition rules, the transferable and authorizable part of the intellectual property rights (excluding the right of authorship) of the First Prize design scheme shall belong to the Host/Organizer. The First Prize winner shall integrate the competition results in accordance with the competition rules and relevant requirements of the Host/Organizer, and deliver final package of design documents.
The winning of this competition doesn’t come with subsequent design contract of the project. After completing the project approval procedure, design development work of the project will be separately tendered or entrusted according to laws and regulations. The tender document or further design requirements of the project will be based on the First Prize winning scheme of the competition. Subsequent winning or commissioning agency should work closely with the competition winner. The First Prize winner shall assist the Host/Organizer to control the overall effect of implementation of the project.
资格预审结果Pre-Qualification Results
The Pre-qualification Committee consists of 5 professional juries: HE Jianxiang, LIU Yuyang, MA Yansong, ZHANG Ke, ZHAO Yang (in alphabetical order by last name). Mr. MA Yansong was elected as the jury principal.
Among 202 applications, the committee carefully reviewed 195 valid conceptual documents that were qualified in the Qualification Review and evaluated the conceptual documents in anonymous format. After in-depth discussion and 6 rounds - 7 times of voting, the committee determined 5 shortlisted applicants (without ranking) and 2 alternative applicants (with ranking).
From 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., after 10 hours of review marathon, the pre-qualification result was finally determined. The list of 5 shortlisted applicants and 2 alternative applicants is as follows:
Shortlisted Applicants (without ranking)

2 Alternative Applicants (with ranking)

Top 21 Applicants except Shortlists and Alternatives
(without ranking)

Note: Official pre-qualification result is subject to the Shenzhen Construction Project Transaction Service Platform.
评审结果Evaluation Results
The committee carefully reviewed the design deliverables from the 5 shortlisted teams in anonymous format. After in-depth discussion and 3 rounds - 4 times of voting, 2 finalists without ranking were selected. In the Final Evaluation Phase, the 2 finalists will give presentation on their design schemes to the Host/Organizer and superior departments, then the First Prize and Second Prize will be determined.
Finalists (without ranking)

During the evaluation by the Scheme Review Committee, it was found that the company name appeared on inner title page of the Paper Copies in the Design Scheme Portfolio of scheme No.3. According to the competition rules, the submission should be treated as invalid.
The other two shortlisted teams which didn’t enter Final Evaluation Phase are awarded for Excellence Awards (without ranking).
Excellence Awards (without ranking)


Note: All the above schedule is Beijing time. The Host/Organizer reserves the right to adjust the schedule. Please refer to the Work Rules for details.
竞赛宣讲会(回放)Competition Information Session (VIDEO RECORDING)
In order to help participating teams gain a deeper understanding of the positioning, vision and site conditions of the competition, an online information session will be held. The organizer, Shenzhen Park Service, is specially invited to participate in this Competition Information Session.
click the following video to watch the video recording of the Competition Information Session.
竞赛宣讲会内容 Contents of the Competition Information Session
1. 竞赛介绍 Competition Briefing
The co-organizer will make an overall introduction to the background, positioning and vision of the competition. and give specific description of site conditions, design scope and design requirements for the competition.
2. 提问回答环节 Q&A Session
Design teams participating in this meeting can ask questions online, and communicate with the host/organizer representatives.
Speaker: Shenzhen Park Service, POSITION
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主办方 Host
Urban Administration and Law Enforcement Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality
承办方 Organizer
Shenzhen Park Service
组织策划 Co-organizer
Shenzhen Position Spatial Culture Development Co., Ltd.
咨询邮箱 Enquiry Email
联系人 Contact
黄女士 Ms. Huang +86-18028798106
陈女士 Ms. Chen +86-19129915597